Mockups – Better Grids and Tables – Ware2Go’s Outbound Order Management

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Managing Large Tables and Grids – More Speed, Better Visual Access to Data

Date: December 2019

Problem: Ware2go used a large, data heavy table to manage orders. Many cells were truncated, hiding data on initial view. Prior to the “Data-tray” solution, users had to navigate away from the table to edit or add an order.

Solution: I created a data tray that opened to the right of order numbers, allowing for edits and quick views without leaving the summary view. This allowed users to quickly manage orders. The most common edits are made to incorrect information that are transferred from ecommerce sites using APIs or imported using Excel files.

View InVision Prototype  Click on image to see hotspots.


The Proactive Advantage of Collaboration

Proactive collaboration is key. For example, pre-planning and working with product teams at the requirements gathering phase can reduce a three step process into one single interaction. Feature bloat is a serious problem that bogs down production and increases pain points for users.  High-fidelity wireframes with clear annotation can save designers, developers, and the business time and effort. Mainly because final UI informs usability which is essential for feature refinement. Additionally, when teams are siloed and collaboration is not integral to the process, a one or two day deliverable can become a multi-week process. Organizing early and working with cross-functional teams is one way a great UXer insures time for good user testing, informed failure and killer UX design.