Category: UX Design

Interactive Mockup Prototypes in One

My Research Approach: Discover, Explore, Test, Examine

I begin my research phase by developing personas to support the design process and to guide UX workshop brainstorming sessions.

AT&T Device Landing Page – Brand 3.0 Graphics, UI update and UX Enhancements

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text] B2B Device Landing Page UI Design My Role: UI update – I rebranded the device landing page to be AT&T Brand 3.0 compliant. My team decided to update the UX as well as the look and feel of the UI during this rebranding process. This involved adding the colorful top section …

The Summit of Innovation: Building Trust With Stakeholders

Stakeholders like results. I can’t talk anyone into changing their mind. I may, however, get them to take a chance, but in the back of their head only actionable results will convince them. I make a promise and deliver the outcomes; that is the only way to achieve a more iterative, collaborative corporate culture – …

Empathy Quoting Exercise – An Important Part of Risk Mitigation

STRATEGY – Get the team to talk about the quotes and give special attention to areas where the quotes have been grouped. Get the team to think about how they can capitalize on the positives and possible strategies for coping with any negative issues that may arise further down the line.

My Interview Techniques to Produce Valid User Session Data

“Trying to learn from customer conversations is like excavating a delicate archaeological site. The truth is down there somewhere, but it’s fragile. While each blow with your shovel gets you closer to the truth, you’re liable to smash it into a million little pieces if use too blunt an instrument” – Rob Fitzpatrick, “The Mom …

Designing for Fast and Slow Thinking: Psychology of Decision Making

“We build mental models of how the world works and then we apply them to new situations.”  – Joe Leech – The psychology of decision making in UX | The Conference/Media Evolution In the Decision and Choice making session, User Experience Designer and author Joe Leech talks from a user experience perspective on how to …

Moderated Usability Testing

Despite the rise in unmoderated usability testing, the bulk of evaluations are still done with a facilitator.

8 Questions to Ask Your Client When Starting a UX Project

The ability to ask the right questions is an essential skill for any UX designer. Here are my top suggestions of what to ask in your first meeting with a client. As UX professionals, we spend a lot of time focusing on the end-product. When it comes to usability, aesthetics and general polish in our …

Pivot or Persevere? Find Out Using Lean Experiments

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] by Amanda Stockwell The Lean Startup approach is gaining popularity in organizations of all sizes, which means teams must adapt their processes. More and more, UX professionals are being asked to take on Lean experiments – which are fantastic – but differ slightly from traditional UX research. To recap, “Lean Startup” is a business approach …