AT&T – UX Research & Testing – Looking for a Few Good Customers

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Research Testing Form for Internet Services & Design

My Contribution:

Graphic Design, Branding, Logo Design. User Interface Design, UX Content

Project Summary:

I joined AT&T’s Interactive Solutions & Design department with a solid background in graphic design and user interface development. After a couple years designing successful marketing campaigns and managing Enterprise UI updates, I began to work with the UX Department, focusing on user testing. I was asked to design this form to find users for testing new products and services. The UX Research team was looking for Premier and BusinessDirect customers who were interested in partnering with us in research activities aimed at improving the user experience on these two platforms. By participating in at least one research activity, customers are typically offered an incentive of up to $100 (depending on the study type).

Problems and Solutions:

My division handled B2B contracts for corporations and small businesses, so I had a familiarity with our customers based on our marketing research: demographics, account profiles, surveys/feedback and sales. IS&D had many accounts under one roof with lots of information about our customers. However,  product launches and usability requirements were not well defined. Consequently, we needed online forms to find users for testing. I created this page and branded the UX department with a new logo.

My Role:

As a new member of the User Experience (UX) Research team at AT&T, I was dedicated to improving the online experience of both wireless and landline customers by researching their needs and motivations. I focused on capturing customer’s behaviors through customer site interviews/visits, surveys and a host of other analytic and usability testing methods. We were able to bring the voice of the customer (VOC) to the planning discussion for new website functionality or enhancements in order to increase customer satisfaction.

Date: June 2011

Discovery: Talking to customers directly, for example, visiting them in their own work environment, gives me insight into the challenges and frustrations they may experience when using online products.

Additional Research Methods: Recording the online-interaction at a customer site, via remote methods or in our lab studio, is my best opportunity to capture a real-time experience, including all mouse movements, facial expressions and user comments.

Research Analysis: Integrating feedback from AT&T customer visits with website analytics, online survey responses and other user behavioral channel clicks ensured that I had a complete picture of the customers behavior allowing me to create a data-driven, or “customer-centered” design.
