Author: John Holt

Interactive Mockup Prototypes in One

Creating Effective Design Roadmaps: Addressing Expectations and Pain Points

Make sure a good mix of people are involved in the journey map creation. It’s helpful to have stakeholder participants from many areas of the organization, as well as people of varying levels of seniority.

The Art of Asking Questions in Usability Testing

How do we ask questions during the most common usability testing studies. I will briefly touch on some generalities that I prefer. Usability Testing With concise and standard words, usability testing is a research activity where a product is used by specific users to perform specific tasks in a specific context of use. The goal …

An Introduction to Lean UX

Fundamentally Lean UX and other forms of UX all have the same goal in mind; delivering a great user experience

How to Conduct a Usability Test in Six Steps from Start to Finish

The benefits of usability testing are easy to understand, but what does it take to carry out a powerful UX test that will lead to relevant results and improvements?

My UX Workshop: Collaborative Discovery

Tools: Markers, whiteboard, post-it notes, index cards, note pads, donuts, coffee/water/tea Objectives: To do UX exercises like experience mapping, personas, customer journey and feature enhancement workshops can help convey important information about the market, the users, the product and business goals to the whole team. Consequently, user-centered design thinking methodologies become entrenched within your team …

My Research Approach: Discover, Explore, Test, Examine

I begin my research phase by developing personas to support the design process and to guide UX workshop brainstorming sessions.

My Approach to User-Centered Design: Customer Journey Maps

By John Travis Holt – 10-20-2021 The Essentials: Customer Journey Maps During the creation of customer journey maps my team is trying to answer the “What ifs”. We set out to diagram all of the touch points that our customers come into contact with the company online or off. 1. Narrowing: I review the goals …

AT&T Device Landing Page – Brand 3.0 Graphics, UI update and UX Enhancements

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text] B2B Device Landing Page UI Design My Role: UI update – I rebranded the device landing page to be AT&T Brand 3.0 compliant. My team decided to update the UX as well as the look and feel of the UI during this rebranding process. This involved adding the colorful top section …

The Summit of Innovation: Building Trust With Stakeholders

Stakeholders like results. I can’t talk anyone into changing their mind. I may, however, get them to take a chance, but in the back of their head only actionable results will convince them. I make a promise and deliver the outcomes; that is the only way to achieve a more iterative, collaborative corporate culture – …

Empathy Quoting Exercise – An Important Part of Risk Mitigation

STRATEGY – Get the team to talk about the quotes and give special attention to areas where the quotes have been grouped. Get the team to think about how they can capitalize on the positives and possible strategies for coping with any negative issues that may arise further down the line.